Current Golf Course

Karnataka Golf Association

Email Id

Date of Birth

1st June

Years in Current Golf Course

04 Years

GII. Why did you choose Golf Course Superintendent as a career?

MC.  I belong to agricultural family & have studied B.Sc. Agri/Articulture. Following the same, I choose to become a Golf Course Superintendent.

GII. What type of ‘on the job training’ have you had in the field

MC.  1) All kind of Turf Maintenance 2) Man Power 3) Budgeting 4) Equipment & Irrigation 5) Agronomists 6) Water Plant Purification 7) Golf Course Construction & Maintenance

GII. What type of education, classes, seminars, or other training you have in the field of Turf Grass management?

RPS.  I have attended most of the seminars conducted in India by Golf Organizations like IGU, GCSMAI & IGA in the past decade.

GII. What type of education, classes, seminars, or other training you have in the field of Turf Grass management?

MC.   SSLC, PUC, B.Sc. Agri/Botany/Turf Grass Management Training taken by Bangalore University.
          I have attended the following:
  • Training seminars from International Architects and Agronomists.
  • Training on all types of Machinery Maintenance from Toro, Jacobsen & John Deere Machineries’ International Trainers.
  • Irrigation Training from Rain Bird & Toro International Trainers.

GII. Describe the different challenges you face as a Golf Course Superintendent. What seems to be the biggest challenge for you and why?

MC.  As a Golf Course Superintendent, I regularly face challenges like shortage of man power, shortage of water & water quality, offload machineries at big tournaments, shortage of operators, communication problems and some times getting non-supporting Staff & Committees.

GII. What would you do to further your knowledge of proper Course Maintenance?

MC.  I will require formal training on Course Maintenance and Communication.

GII. How are challenging situations handled involving Golfers who have concerns or complaints regarding the tee marker and Cup locations?

MC.  I explain proper reason  with R&A USGA methodology & try to address the concerns of complaining members.

GII. What is your opinion of Golf Courses in relation to the Environment?

MC.  Golf Courses are an important piece for maintaining greenery and has positive impact on environment.

GII. If your course uses effluent water, what process is used to prepare it for use on the course?

MC. First I am filtering by STP (Secondary Treatment Plant), then TTP (Tertiary Treatment Plant), then Sedipack Treatment, Sand bed Filtration, then UV through collecting the water and testing. Post that it is being used in Golf Course.

GII. What have been the most rewarding aspects of your profession?

MC. I have got many rewards as mentioned below:
1) Karnataka Governor certificate along with wishes at Bangalore Golf Club.
2) Country of Sultanate of Oman International Award Certificate received twice from petroleum minister for Muscat Ghala Valley Golf Course.

3) Award received for Asia’s best in Karnataka Golf Association.

GII. Knowing what you do now, if you had a chance to start your career over, would you again choose the Golf Course Superintendent? If yes, why?

MC.  Presently I am working as a Golf Course Superintendent at Karnataka Golf Association. If given a chance, I will choose the same job because I have been interested in this field from the beginning and is a passion for me.

GII. Best practice which you would like to share with other Golf Courses Superintendents.

MC.  I would recommend Golf Course Greens proper operation schedule throughout the year in international standard to other Golf Course Superintendents.

Age when you started working

20 years

First Golf Course you worked for

Coorg Golf Link Construction Work

Favorite Golf Course in India

prestige Golfshire

Favorite Food

Roti Veg Curry

Favorite Drink


Favorite Sports Magazine

Golf Magazine

Favorite Pro Event

Asian Tour

Favorite Golfer

Tiger Wood

Favorite Golf Set

Taylor Made

Favorite Car

Maruti Swift