CMD, Oxford Group

rendezvous with golf bosses

Anirudh U Seolekar

CMD, Oxford Group

GII. Favorite Golf Course in India & Abroad.

AS.  Oxford Golf Resort will remain the all time favourite. It’s a Golf Course with emotions and passion. Abroad, I would play generally in the Far-East as easier and great attitude and enjoyment. May be Black Mountain would be the best choice.

GII. Which particular country you rate as the ultimate Golfing destination? Why?

AS.   The Far-East from an amateur perspective. It has all the qualities, cost, people, choices, etc. Thailand, Malaysia, Phillipines ideally.

GII. For how long have you been playing Golf and what initiated you into this game?

AS.   Been playing for 20 years. My wife took me to learn with her and coach. Started slow but then got addicted big time.

GII. Describe a day in the life of Anirudha Seolekar.

S.   Varied every day, new challenges in the business of land and construction that I do, so don’t have a fixed schedule. Playing Golf 3 times a week, 30-45 minutes of gym, 30 min of garden stroll to check on the vegetables grown. Lately few hours with grand daughter who is a year old.

GII. What fascinates you the most about the game of Golf?

AS.   It’s a game you day on day try to master. Its ahead of you all the time. Its like “catch me if you can”. Grounds you to the hilt, makes you realise that being superman is a notion, the quest for perfection and balance is so far away so one thrives to achieve and encompass that serenity of thought and vision. It’s the finest game, a game played vs “yourself”. Its to defeat yourself as your own opponent. Its just too facinating.

GII. Your favorite Holiday Destination.

AS.   London(UK) & Milan (Italy) as have a house there, and then Europe is enjoyable always.

GII. Favorite 19th Hole Drink.

AS.    Vodka Ice

GII. Favorite Quote.

AS.    Think positive & dream big always and the universe will heed to your dreams, the WY you think and feel. It’s a given.

GII. What are the challenges being faced by Golf Industry in India?

AS.   Unlimited challenges, bad Government Support, bad Associations, how will progress happen? People have to do for the sport, not control the sport.

GII. What is the potential for Golf Development and Tourism at the state level and how can India attract more Golf Tourists?

AS.   Difficult to explain. India is not yet a Golfing destination, lets accept it. It will need a great association of Golf Course owners to imbibe programmes and economical, manageable plans to get the external tourist to look at India for Golf. Currently it is a non-starter.

GII. How do we grow the numbers of Golfers in India?

AS.    Yes its an ongoing process, but very slow.

GII. Your thoughts on doing business on the Golf Course?

AS.    It’s the greatest PR location. You can meet and bond and be friends for life on the course once u play a game with someone you don’t know. Atleast a forging of relationship happens. Business is relative, it’s how one can use relationships to advantage. Some can some cannot.

GII. Do you use any Golf apps on your phone? If yes, which is your favorite?

AS.    None really, except to check distance on GPS.