Rajamani Venkatesh

Current Golf Course

Tamilnadu Golf Federation

Email Id

Date of Birth

11th March

Years in Current Golf Course

06 Years

GII.   Why did you choose Golf Course Superintendent as a career?

RV.   I started my first job in the golf industry 20 years ago. My area of expertise includes turf equipment, irrigation & water management, and golf administration. The same continued and shaped it into my career.

GII.   What type of 'on the job training' have you had in the field

RV.  1. Turf equipment training in Australia
        2. Pump station training in Arizona, USA
        3. Golf irrigation system training in Spain & Las Vegas
        4. Green construction at TNGF

GII.  What type of education, classes, seminars, or other training you have in the field of Turf Grass management?

RV.   Seminars attended in Golf Show 2017 & 2018

GII.   Describe the different challenges you face as a Golf Course Superintendent. What seems to be the biggest challenge for you and why?

RV.   Tamilnadu Golf Federation (TNGF) caught up in flood in December 2015 & storm in January 2016 and the entire Golf Course got vanished. This was the biggest challenge which I faced and successfully brought the Golf Course back to playable condition within a short span of time.

GII.   What would you do to further your knowledge of proper Course Maintenance?

RV.    Looking forward for more trainings and learning new techniques to maintain the course.

GII.   How are challenging situations handled involving Golfers who have concerns or complaints regarding the tee marker and Cup locations?

RV.   Based on the nature of complaints and suggestions by the golfers, we take necessary actions after discussing with the course committee.

GII.   What is your opinion of Golf Courses in relation to the Environment?

RV.   It is 100% environmental friendly. Many people are not aware about this industry. I would suggest every district to have at least one Golf Course.

GII.   If your course uses effluent water, what process is used to prepare it for use on the course?

RV.   Aeration with diffusers.

GII.   What have been the most rewarding aspects of your profession?

RV.    Working with the nature, fresh oxygen keeps my body and health in an energetic way and complete job satisfaction.

GII.   Knowing what you do now, if you had a chance to start your career over, would you again choose the Golf Course Superintendent? If yes, why?

RV.   Yes, as mentioned in above question, my job satisfaction will make me work in this field forever.

GII.   Best practice which you would like to share with other Golf Courses Superintendents.

RV.   About Flood management, cultural practice and irrigation Audit

Age when you started working

23 years

First Golf Course you worked for

Delhi Golf Club

Favorite Golf Course in India

Tamilnadu Golf Federation

Favorite Food

Idly & Dosa

Favorite Drink

Orange Juice

Favorite Sports Magazine


Favorite Pro Event

PGA Tour

Favorite Golfer

Jeev Mikha Singh & Tiger Woods

Favorite Golf Set

Callaway & Ping

Favorite Car
