Sachin Chauhan

Current Golf Course

Royal Jaipur Golf Club

Email Id

Date of Birth

20th April

Years in Current Golf Course

05 Years

GII. Why did you choose Golf Course Superintendent as a career?

SC.   I started my career as Golf Operations Staff at Golden Green Golf & Country Club 15 years back. Being Golf Operation Staff, I used to interact with maintenance staff on Golf Course as part of my daily routine work. As a hobby I try to learn stuff related to Golf and gradually I started learning how to maintain Golf Courses, and usage of fertilizers and chemicals for the same. Later on, I worked with Thailand Superintendent in Oxford Golf & Country Club and gained practical experience for Golf Course Maintenance. Currently, I am working with Royal Jaipur Golf Club.

GII. What type of ‘on the job training’ have you had in the field

SC   I do not have only formal ‘on the job training’ but I regularly take advise from my Agronomist Friends who are experts in turf maintenance subject.

GII. What type of education, classes, seminars, or other training you have in the field of Turf Grass management?

SC.   I regularly attend classes arranged by GCS & MAI. I have also attended classes conducted by Dr. Micah Wood.

GII. Describe the different challenges you face as a Golf Course Superintendent. What seems to be the biggest challenge for you and why?

SC.   Maintaining Golf Course itself is the biggest challenge in Jaipur (Rajasthan) because here Golf Courses are constructed on soft soil and soft soil needs proper irrigation monitoring but I like to face the challenges and learn from them.

GII. What would you do to further your knowledge of proper Course Maintenance?

SC.   I keep on reading books to enhance my knowledge alongwith regularly attending seminars. I also discuss my problems with experts to learn more in this field. For me learning is a never-ending process.

GII. How are challenging situations handled involving Golfers who have concerns or complaints regarding the tee marker and Cup locations?

SC.  I keep interacting with Golfers regularly on Course and take their feedback about the Golf Course Maintenance issues. I strive to solve the issues as per feedback received from them as I believe this is only way to satisfy Golfers with regard to Golf maintenance issues. Majority of the times, complaints are received from beginners because they don’t have much of technical knowledge. I feel, Superintendents should have all technical answers to satisfy the Golfers.

GII. What is your opinion of Golf Courses in relation to the Environment?

SC.   Golf Courses protect the environment and natural heritage. They also offer opportunities to play at pleasant places.

GII. If your course uses effluent water, what process is used to prepare it for use on the course?

SC.   We are not using effluent water.

GII. What have been the most rewarding aspects of your profession?

SC.   Working on natural environment is the biggest reward for me.

GII. Knowing what you do now, if you had a chance to start your career over, would you again choose the Golf Course Superintendent? If yes, why?

SC.   Yes, I love challenges.

GII. Best practice which you would like to share with other Golf Courses Superintendents.

SC.   Maintenance Cost is a major concern for all Golf Courses, we should work and try to reduce the same always.

Age when you started working

25 years

First Golf Course you worked for

Golden Green Golf & Country Club

Favorite Golf Course in India

Oxford Golf & Country Club

Favorite Food

South Indian

Favorite Drink

Black Coffee

Favorite Sports Magazine

Golf Digest India

Favorite Pro Event

British Open

Favorite Golfer

Tiger Woods

Favorite Golf Set

Cleveland Black

Favorite Car

Audi Q7