Sandeep Saini

Current Golf Course

Glade One Golf Resort

Email Id

Date of Birth

28th August

Years in Current Golf Course

03 Years

GII. Why did you choose Golf Course Superintendent as a career?

SS.    The challenge associated with this profession and love for outdoors were the reasons for choosing this as a career. The Cubicles are not for me.

GII. What type of ‘on the job training’ have you had in the field

SS.     It’s an ongoing process, you learn everyday while on job.

GII. What type of education, classes, seminars, or other training you have in the field of Turf Grass management?

SS.    Have attended a few turf management seminars in India and abroad.

GII. Describe the different challenges you face as a Golf Course Superintendent. What seems to be the biggest challenge for you and why?

SS.    Majority of on the job challenges were expected when I have taken the job but have not anticipated the gravity at which the industry is currently. Working in this current situation where the future is looking little bleak is the biggest challenge for Superintendents. Secondly, the new environment regulations, less water, chemicals etc.  is for good and welcomed by superintendents but the expectations about the playing surface should also be mellowed down accordingly.

GII. What would you do to further your knowledge of proper Course Maintenance?

SS.    I read a lot to stay updated. I have also taken membership of couple of golf maintenance associations.

GII. How are challenging situations handled involving Golfers who have concerns or complaints regarding the tee marker and Cup locations?

SS.    The challenging situation involving Golfers can be handled with knowledge. You should have scientific reasons to justify your actions to Golfers.

GII. What is your opinion of Golf Courses in relation to the Environment?

SS.   A well managed golf course provides substantial ecological benefits. The facilities not only offer recreation, but also provide an environmental sanctuary to numerous plant and animal species.

GII. If your course uses effluent water, what process is used to prepare it for use on the course?

SS.    Currently we are not using effluent water.

GII. What have been the most rewarding aspects of your profession?

SS.    Seeing improvement and positive results through your efforts makes you feel good. Moreover, everyday being one with the nature is biggest reward for me.

GII. Knowing what you do now, if you had a chance to start your career over, would you again choose the Golf Course Superintendent? If yes, why?

SS.    YES because of the challenge associated with profession and love for outdoors. The Cubicles are not for me.

GII. Best practice which you would like to share with other Golf Courses Superintendents.

SS.     Do lot of planning and try to stay ahead of things.

Age when you started working

28 years

First Golf Course you worked for

Joondalup Golf Resort, WA

Favorite Golf Course in India

Prestige Golfshire, Bengaluru

Favorite Food

Tandoori Parathas with Butter

Favorite Drink

Strong Tea

Favorite Sports Magazine


Favorite Pro Event

British Open

Favorite Golfer

Phil Mickelson

Favorite Golf Set

Ping G2

Favorite Car

Ford F-150 pick up Truck