Shraboni Das

Current Golf Course

Belvedere Golf and Country Club

Email Id

Date of Birth

16th July

Years in Current Golf Course

05 Years

GII. Why did you choose Golf Course Superintendent as a career?

SD.   This happened to me by chance and I am thankful to the Almighty for bringing me where I am today.

GII. What type of ‘on the job training’ have you had in the field

SD.   I was into Golf Course construction before I took up maintenance. My entire experience in developing a Golf Course has been “on the job”. Each location, each new course has taught me something new. Learning is a continuous process. Even now, each day on the course teaches me something new.

GII. What type of education, classes, seminars, or other training you have in the field of Turf Grass management?

SD.   I did my graduation in Agricultural Sciences and took up a job in this industry. After working for few years I took a break and went on to do my Masters in Turf Management from The University of Sydney, Australia. I have attended several Turf Seminars and did a work shop with Dr Micah Woods.

GII. Describe the different challenges you face as a Golf Course Superintendent. What seems to be the biggest challenge for you and why?

SD.   Nature and Golfers: both bring up different challenges at different times. The biggest challenge here is definitely the harsh summers.

GII. What would you do to further your knowledge of proper Course Maintenance?

SD.   I keep reading and try and exchange knowledge and skills with my colleagues, seniors and those in the industry.

GII. How are challenging situations handled involving Golfers who have concerns or complaints regarding the tee marker and Cup locations?

SD.   We follow the Standard Procedures laid out by the management.

GII. What is your opinion of Golf Courses in relation to the Environment?

SD.   A very important and sensitive subject. We as an industry should work towards building environment friendly work culture.

GII. If your course uses effluent water, what process is used to prepare it for use on the course?

SD.   We do not use effluent water.

GII. What have been the most rewarding aspects of your profession?

SD.   Working in the midst of nature has been the most rewarding.

GII. Knowing what you do now, if you had a chance to start your career over, would you again choose the Golf Course Superintendent? If yes, why?

SD.   Absolutely!!! Because I love my job.

GII. Best practice which you would like to share with other Golf Courses Superintendents.

SD.  Judicious use of water, fertiliser and chemicals to keep the environment safe.

Age when you started working

23 years

First Golf Course you worked for

HSIDC Golf Course, Manesar during Construction

Favorite Golf Course in India

My Course, The Belvedere Golf and Country Club

Favorite Food

Bengali Delicious

Favorite Drink

Plain Simple Water

Favorite Sports Magazine

Golf Digest

Favorite Pro Event

Indian open

Favorite Golfer

Anirban Lahiri

Favorite Golf Set

The one I Own

Favorite Car

The one I Own