tete-a-tete with Col. Vinay Khanna

GII. Which is your favorite Golf Course and why?

VK.  Delhi Golf Club, RSI Golf Club Pune Cantt (laid by me), Army Golf Course Delhi Cantt (completed in 1974 by being second Hony Secretary)

GII. For how long have you been playing Golf and what initiated you into this game?

VK.    Over 65 years. My father had helped an Irishman to lay a 9 holes all-greens course at Ghatsils in 1937 for a British Copper plant- so started walking with my father from age 11 onwards. Full fledged golfer at 15 with H’cap 18

GII. Which Golf Course you have witnessed during Development Phase?

VK.    DLF and ITC at Gurgaon, Royal Palms at Mumbai, Eagleton at Bangalore.

GII. Your favorite Golf Course for Hospitality & Management.

VK.    Delhi Golf Club – for providing club-standard high scale hospitality without burning your pockets

GII. Which all Golf Courses (past and present) you have been associated with?

VK.    Have been Secretaries of Delhi Golf Club, Army Golf Course Delhi Cantt, RSI Golf Club Pune Cantt, Kalimpong Golf Club, Ferozepur Army Golf Club, Bareily Army Golf Course.

GII. Where do you see the Golf Industry after 5 years.

VK.    Very slow progress as land prices even outside cities have gone through the roof.

GII. Give us an example of when you thought ‘outside of the box’. How did it help?

VK.    Helping in starting the “Student Membership“ at Delhi Golf Club for children whose parents were not members of DGC. They just pay monthly subscription and nil entrance fee.

Restricted to age up to 21 and renewed every year ONLY if one progresses in game.

GII. A tough situation when your expert advice to the management led to an improvement in your Department/Company.

VK.    Helped in starting first stage of computerization at Delhi Golf Club, as I had just finished a tenure in Army HQrs Computer Centre before leaving the Armjy.

GII. What is your advice to patrons and colleagues of Golf Courses to help them in increasing their revenues.

VK.    Hold Golf awareness camps for all age groups. Every year, one should be able to introduce at least 10 new children (with so much of golf on TV) and another 5-10 adults to join the club on permanent basis OR on a tenure basis.

GII. Seeing the current trend, do you feel Golf can be as favorite as Cricket in India.

VK.    Sorry, Not possible. Cricket can be played in Gullies, bur Golf is a complete different sphere.

GII. How many years you feel it may take to reach that level.

VK.    NOT in our life time.

GII. What excites you on a Golf Course?

VK.  Golf is not just a game- it is a way of life. Otherwise how do you explain that in winter when majority is under quilts, a golfer is out at 7AM with two layers of winter clothing, and in summer when majority are in AC environment, golfers play from 1 PM to 5 PM !!!

GII. Favorite 19th Hole Drink.

VK.    Beer, surrounded by fellow golfers (in a foursome game, it is not unusual for the loser to play host !!!)